Exis Snap Cartridge Vaporizer 4 Temp Settings
24 K GOlD
At Exxus Vape, we take vaper feedback very seriously. One thing we kept hearing in regards to oil vaporizers was a desire for a stealth unit that still provided some enhanced functions.
You'll still get the 3” tall by 1” wide sleek device. The magnetic connection? It's still there. Just slip the atomizer into the chamber on the chassis and it snaps into place. Other key features of this mod include the ability to accommodate larger cartomizers and charging with Micro USB. The built-in battery is powerful enough to sustain several vaping sessions before needing a recharge.
That recessed atomizer offers some additional advantages. It helps to protect the atomizer from damage, for starters. It also assists in keeping the overall profile of the vaporizer small. You can drop this right inside a pocket or handbag. It travels well. The other key features to note here are the mod's ability to accommodate large cartomizers and charging with a Micro USB cable. You'll also find that the power supply in this device lives up to the reputation of Exxus Vape batteries. It will power multiple vaping sessions before needing a recharge.
WARNING: Do not charge with a powerbank of 5V or higher. Do not charge in your car. Do not overcharge or use any other charging cable other than what comes with your battery. Failure to follow these instructions could result in battery damage and frying of the internal system.
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UPC 101051001074
Manufacturer Website
Packs Per Box 1
Underage Sale No